Gilbert YoungRoland
Gil YoungRoland has had some success in the Collectors/Sketch Cards field with work for companies such as Breygent and contributions to sets such as Femforce, Golden Age of Comics: Heroes & Villains and Essence of Fairyland.
He often has sketches for sale on eBay but, sadly, feels that he has to boost their saleability with descriptions which invariably include the words "busty" and "sexy" - two words which aren't synonymous.
He has talent and a distinctive, almost anime style yet seems unable to draw a female form without distorting and inflating the breasts to bizarre and gross proportions. A woman does not need huge breasts to be beautiful.
I feel that this type of depiction speaks volumes about the artist and those who purchase his art.
I am sure he has the talent to draw beautiful women who are "in proportion". I hope that eventually his art will mature and he will be taken more seriously as an artist.